Integrated Contract Manager

The complete cloud software solution for ‘target & prize’ sales contracts management integrated to your information system. ICM is a powerful tool to monitor and promote sales through premium strategies based on the achievement of objectives of different types of customers (points of sale, buying groups, franchising etc ..) and of products.

ICM manages the full life cycle of a ‘target & prize’ sale contract from the definition of objectives, on-going changes, forecast prizes calculations, with provisions to schedule awards payments.

ICM easily integrates with your accounting system, acquiring via web-services billing information and master data and generating credit notes proposals. Strong data-security features with validations workflow are available.
Main features:

  • Real time monitor of contracts status and objectives
  • Forecast cost evaluation for promotional initiatives
  • Accruals calculations during the life of a contract
  • Schedule and list premiums and discounts payments
  • Communication to customers of the status of achievement of the objectives and prizes.